I am a computer engineering PhD student in the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) at the University of Florida, working under the direction of Professor Kevin Butler. I am affiliated with the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research (FICS Research) at the same university. I am now in the fourth year of my PhD journey. Prior to enrolling at Florida, I received my Bachelor of Science degree from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Miami. At Florida, I completed the requirements for and received my Graduate Certificate in Information Security in May 2018.
My research direction has primarily involved privacy-preserving computing: investigating the current state-of-the-art, determining the challenges to deployment, and looking to both existing and emerging hardware technologies for making privacy-preserving computing more tractable (where alternative techniques grounded in strong cryptography are at times prohibitively slow).
Check out my Google Scholar page. All of my publications are also listed here.
My teaching experience and service is outlined on the respective pages.
Feel free to reach me by e-mail at: [email protected].
You can also find me on Twitter: @choijosephi.
My research direction has primarily involved privacy-preserving computing: investigating the current state-of-the-art, determining the challenges to deployment, and looking to both existing and emerging hardware technologies for making privacy-preserving computing more tractable (where alternative techniques grounded in strong cryptography are at times prohibitively slow).
Check out my Google Scholar page. All of my publications are also listed here.
My teaching experience and service is outlined on the respective pages.
Feel free to reach me by e-mail at: [email protected].
You can also find me on Twitter: @choijosephi.